Data Science brings together the study of data science, machine learning, statistics and mathematics – with an emphasis on their real-world applications and impact on economics and society.

This course takes you inside the world of data science. You will learn the basics of data science, data analytics, and data engineering to understand how machine learning is shaping the future of business, healthcare, education, and more. Data science professionals who can provide actionable insights for data-driven decisions are in high demand all over the world.

A data scientist is a data expert who helps collect, analyze and interpret large amounts of data in order to solve complex business problems. They combine statistics, computer science and business acumen to help an organization understand more about itself and achieve its goals. Oftentimes this involves taking messy, unstructured data from a multitude of sources and devising methods for making sense of it, using machine learning, artificial intelligence, and statistical analysis in order to uncover trends and challenge existing assumptions.

Introduction to Python

Master the basics of data analysis with Python. This online course will introduce the Python interface and explore popular packages.

Introduction to SQL

Learn how to create and query relational databases using SQL.

Introduction to R

Master the basics of data analysis in R, including vectors, lists, and data frames, and practice R with real data sets.

Course Certificate

This Training Course is free for everyone but those who want to get the Certificates need to pay the following Certification Fees;

  • Zambian K250
  • Malawian MK 22,000
  • Rwandans RWF 15,000
  • Tanzanian TZS 26,000
  • Kenyan Ksh 2000
  • Ugandan UGX 40,000
  • South Sudaness SSP 30,000
  • Bangladesh Taka 900
  • Zimbabwean USD 12 (Pay through Ecocash)
  • International USD 15

Online Registrations

All the information furnished by me is true to the best of my knowledge. I shall abide by the rules and regulations of Yesbud as conveyed from time to time, and also that if I remain absent for more than 3 days without valid reason i may be expelled from the Institution

Fields with (*) are compulsory.

Application Progress