HR and Payroll are vital parts of any successful business, and a qualified individual will be in high demand and can enjoy a fruitful career. Managing and processing payroll and human resources are important tasks, so it’s vital that those in HR and payroll management are qualified and knowledgeable. This HR and Payroll Management  will teach you the responsibilities of an HR and Payroll Management professional in the HR Deparpment. Understand the recruitment, selection and appraisal of staff, and gain awareness of various cultures and ethics. This course covers employee motivation, employee/employer relations and how to manage change in an organisation. In addition, learners will gain a broad understanding of the payroll process, including payroll software systems, how to correct payroll errors, and how to run an efficient payroll system.

Our learning material is available to students 24/7 anywhere in the world, so it’s extremely convenient. These intensive online courses are open to everyone, as long as you have an interest in the topic! We provide world-class learning led by IAP, so you can be assured that the material is high quality, accurate and up-to-date.

This online training course is comprehensive and designed to cover the topics listed under the curriculum.

  • Human Resource Planning
  • The Employee Life Cycle
  • Explore the Basics of Payroll Systems
  • Payroll Cycle
  • Running an Efficient Payroll
  • Payroll Obligations and Requirements

Course Certificate

This Training Course is free for everyone but those who want to get the Certificates need to pay the following Certification Fees;

  • Zambian K500
  • Malawian MK 50,000
  • Tanzanian TZS 60,000
  • Kenyan  Ksh 3,800
  • Ugandan  UGX 90,000
  • South Sudaness  SSP 20,000
  • Bangladesh Taka 30,000
  • Zimbabwean USD 30 (Pay through Ecocash)
  • International  USD 35

Online Registrations


Fields with (*) are compulsory.

Application Progress