Welcome to Online  Payment

You can pay your fees with your card. Academic Summit only accept Visa Card, MasterCard and American Express. To pay with your card click on the payment link below and wait for the popup.

Pay for Executive MBA

To pay with your card click on the payment link below and wait for the popup.

[pesapal_pay_button button_name=’Click here to Pay for Project Management for Managers‘ amount=’35’ use_options=’true’]


[pesapal_pay_button button_name=’Click here to Pay for Monitoring and Evaluation‘ amount=’12’ use_options=’false’]


[pesapal_pay_button button_name=’Click here to Pay for Executive MBA‘ amount=’20’ use_options=’false’]


[pesapal_pay_button button_name=’Click here to Pay for Start-up Founders Training‘ amount=’8′ use_options=’false’]


[pesapal_pay_button button_name=’Click here to Pay for Entrepreneurship Skill Training‘ amount=’8′ use_options=’false’]


[pesapal_pay_button button_name=’Click here to Pay for Business Administration for Business Owners‘ amount=’8′ use_options=’false’]