Start your own business and manage it well from the start. From clarifying your business idea to managing the legal, financial, and operational aspects of your business, you’ll learn everything you need to know to successfully launch and manage your own small business.

In this free online training course, you will be introduced to key aspects of starting a business. As a Small Business Owner, are you unsure of what the contents of your business plan should include? You will be trained on how to draft an effective business and marketing plan. The course will also provide lessons on how to build an efficient team of managers. Learn from the experiences of some of the world’s biggest organizations in this course.

Whether you’re looking to start a small business or expand your current one, this training course have everything you need to educate yourself on entrepreneurial best practices and available financing options. 

Course Certificate

This Training Course is free for everyone but those who want to get the Certificates need to pay the following Certification Fees;

  • Zambian K105
  • Malawian MK 9,500
  • Tanzanian TZS 15,000
  • Kenyan  Ksh 1,000
  • Ugandan  UGX 20,000
  • South Sudaness  SSP 5,000
  • Bangladesh Taka 600
  • Zimbabwean USD 5 (Pay through Ecocash)
  • International  USD 7.99

Online Registrations

Fields with (*) are compulsory.

Application Progress